vrealize orchestrator

A Self Healing application demonstration with vRealize Automation, vRealize Orchestrator and vRealize Operation

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

My colleague Alexandre Hugla did a great job of showing an example of self healing app using a combination of vRealize Operatons (detection) & vRealize Orchestrator (Remediation). Here is his video Démonstration proposée par Alexandre Hugla, Consultant...

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VMware Pipeline management with vRealize Automation and vRealize Codestream

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

It should be pretty much understood now that the Software Defined Datacenter allows you to provide a lot of agility to your applications, resulting in a faster and more secure way to deploy and run your apps. In short, infrastructure is very dynamic and...

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A DevOps example with the VMware SDDC

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

In this video, I show how a developper benefits from using the VMware Software Defined Datacenter to test his latest code release in a similar context to what Production is and push the change up to the Production. The tools used in this example are Netbeans...

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Monitoring vRealize Automation by simulating machines deployments

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

A while ago, a customer faced an issue with vRealize Automation (VRA) due to the underlying infrastructure. The impact was that no users could deploy any new machines. The deployment would miserably fail. Since this customer were not using vRealize Operations...

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