Life and Death of an application Part2: First steps in the Software Defined Datacenter

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

In Part 1 we saw how was created the application Tito and we know what the application architecture is. Basically, we have the following diagram which showcase what kind of infrastructure the application need to properly run in the Datacenter. So how...

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Life and Death of an application - Part 1: the Birth

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

The whole applications lifecycle is currently going through massive changes. From creating applications to launching applications, running new applications to transforming existing applications, there's now so many ways to do it, so many choices.... that...

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VMware Pipeline management with vRealize Automation and vRealize Codestream

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

It should be pretty much understood now that the Software Defined Datacenter allows you to provide a lot of agility to your applications, resulting in a faster and more secure way to deploy and run your apps. In short, infrastructure is very dynamic and...

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Container As A Service with VMware Admiral

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

VMware Admiral is an Open source project providing a Container as a Service Portal. The GitHub project description is quite clear about what it does: Admiral™ is a highly scalable and very lightweight Container Management platform for deploying and managing...

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How to create and Advanced service (XaaS) to send SMS with vRealize Automation

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

In this article, we are going to show how easy it is to create advanced services in vRealize Automation (vRA). We will take as an example the ability to send text messages. This will showcase how easy it is to create advanced service (XaaS) into vRA which...

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A DevOps example with the VMware SDDC

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

In this video, I show how a developper benefits from using the VMware Software Defined Datacenter to test his latest code release in a similar context to what Production is and push the change up to the Production. The tools used in this example are Netbeans...

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vRealize Automation Event Broker focus on passing properties

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

vRealize Automation gives you a great deal of Out of the Box features. It also gives you a great deal of extensibility capabilities. Since a Cloud Management Portal is a central point of interaction between users and the Software defined Datacenters it...

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vRealize Automation list of resources

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

Here is a list of resources for vRealize Automation. Hopefully, I'll try to keep it updated. Feel free to inform me if there are more or some get outdated. Blogs on vRealize Automation:

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Monitoring vRealize Automation by simulating machines deployments

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

A while ago, a customer faced an issue with vRealize Automation (VRA) due to the underlying infrastructure. The impact was that no users could deploy any new machines. The deployment would miserably fail. Since this customer were not using vRealize Operations...

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How to use your android device as a security camera with your Chromecast powered television

Publié le par Vincent Méoc

You can do all sort of things for security nowadays with all sort of digital devices but I couldn't find a way to easily monitor my kids when they are in the courtyards and I am in the living room. That was frustrating because I do have a WIFI "security"...

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